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Standing in solidarity with you.

pro-choice | save the planet | free palestine, Congo and iran | blmgrassroots | lgbtqia+ pride | land back


2025 Updates

My camera is out for repair and a cleaning! I am booking sessions for after March 1st.

The Winter months are typically my slowest months, so I have a good amount of open availability the next couple of months. Email me to book your session, even if it’s not until Spring or the Summer! Right now I am running a sale to help me afford my camera repair💕

Book one session and get or give a session!

Scheduling is open for sessions after March 1st. Book a session for after March 1st by Wednesday the 5th and receive a free session you can use for yourself or you can give it away to someone you think would love a photoshoot. These are for mini sessions, hour sessions and events or parties. Book an hour session receive an hour session, book a party photoshoot, receive another party photoshoot. This is probably one of the best and most important sales I am running. I am truly hoping I do not have to extend it so I can get my camera back and get back to work and what I love to do. Thank you to everyone who takes this offer up and supporting me! Please feel free to share this sale with your friends and family and you can also mention to subscribe to my webpage to receive these emails each month.


Repeat from last month’s Newsletter:

I also wanted to let you know that my e-gift cards are always available to purchase on the homepage of my website. If you are planning a wedding please keep going through this newsletter to see more information about my Wedding bookings this year in 2025. This year I do not want to raise any of my prices, that may have to change but I am holding off as long as I can. I am however adding in and making it known that I will be bartering much more this upcoming year and I have more details for you on that coming up.​

Bartering: "exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money".

​I have mentioned before that I am all for bartering and trading my services but I wasn’t very informative so here that is. Times are changing a bit and I understand not everyone can afford anything extra for themselves and I do believe everyone should have the privilege to have their photographs taken, formally or even for fun. They are too meaningful. I also know I am in need and want some things that I honestly and unfortunately can’t get myself such as furniture, things to fix our home, occasionally, even basic needs. Anything is up for trading and I would like to start doing that a lot more of this in 2025, to help others while also helping my family and become more sustainable. I’ve been reading Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash and it has been so incredibly eye opening and I’m wanting to do things differently, even though I have been trying but I want to do more. In 2024 I traded a mini session for an old record stand and another mini session for a barn coffee table. I would love more of that. We’re hoping to have a small farm within the next couple of years and be able to provide more than just photographs too. We’re trying to make real change this year. In 2025 we’re supporting small businesses and families as much as we possibly can. If you’re ever interested or think I’d like something you have or would need any of your services please reach out and we can talk more! If you read all of this, thank you so much, you are truly appreciated.

I am beyond grateful for all of my clients that I had in 2024. You all made so much possible for myself and my family, we have survived this year all because of you. Hope to see you all again in 2025.🤍

I am extremely willing to travel!
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you do not live in Ohio or you want to leave the state for a session. 

Bri in home studio
Bri and Colt
Virginia Roadtrip
French toast off the fire
Grapefruit Bath
Succulent Smash cake
Wedding dress
Powerful photo

gift cards

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Trigger Warning:

Because of the results of the election and I know so many of us are grieving and scared. I wanted to reiterate and express that this is a safe space. I am 100% pro choice, pro woman, anti-racist, ally to lgbtq+ communities and a supporter of religion staying out of politics. Pro CRT, education and pro sex education. I am pro gun control (this does not mean your guns will be taken, I will be protecting myself very soon). I am pro state benefits for all. Pro No Fault Divorce and any and all divorce. Pro Palestine, Free Palestine. I do not suport my tax dollars going to the miltary or police. Our country was not founded by us, we live on stolen land, all immagrants should be welcome in the land of "freedom". Please look at the statistics on violence between races here in the US. I am a survivor among many many girls and women. There are already boys and men going around saying "your body, my choice" and it's absolutely disturbing and terrifying. I expect more femicide and harm against us. If a felon can be president, I believe all felons should have the right to vote and jobs/housing applications shouldn't be allowed to ask if someone is a felon unless charged with heinous crimes. This Election was over morals and hope or greed and going back. Most Americans prefer we go back, most men hate women and over half of white women are filled with the same hate, this is not something new. I will not go back and. I will stand up. I do not support a sexual predator as President and I do not support Project 2025. ​

I hope I didn't miss anything here. I hope we will still move forward and won't go back. Take care and be safe. We will get through this. If you see this and are organizing, please reach out to me! I have been organizing and hosting in Hillsboro, Ohio.​

This is a scary time. So many important acts have been revoked and other bills are being signed and talked about. The website is no longer available, please don’t panic. Here are some trusted Reproductive resources to look at:​​​

Know your rights!

They have taken down the Spanish site of the White House. When you see ICE yell “la migra” (mee-gruh). Record the officers and what they are doing. You have the right to record in public spaces, do not let them tell you otherwise. Post where they are in your community. They need us and need them too. ​We have the right to protest. We the people have the right to stand up to injustice. It is a given in the constitution that we have a right to assemble. They have now taken down the Constitution off of their website. You have access through your local library and I also believe they have it on PBS.

We can not let them “drill, baby, drill”. We have to protect eachother and our planet. If you are near a drill area please go and occupy it! He also can’t keep changing the names of National Parks. He can’t keep doing all of this!​​

#stopcopcity #defendatlantaforest #forestdefenders #climatecrisis #freepalestine #prochoice #intersectionalenviroment #abortionishealthcare 

We won't go back and it's time for a huge change. #wehaveavoice​​​​​​

You are not alone:

Free 24/7 Mental Health Support

Text "4HOPE" to 741741

24 hour hotline (513) 381-5610


Women. Life. Freedom. 

Abortion is a human right. Abortion is healthcare. Follow @ppaohio @plannedparenthood @womensmarch @gemcityaction on Instagram to learn more and see what you can do to join and support. It is our choice to choose what we do with our own bodies.

"Not their body, not their choice."

Websites for Further Information and Resources

women's march and people's march

​ Black Reproductive Justice Policy Agenda Resources for Ohio Free narcan and Naloxone National Harm Reduction

House Resolution 7 is terrifying. Please read this:

OPPOSE HB8 “Don’t say gay Bill” This is a dangerous bill and if you are a teacher please keep your students safe.

Organizations to join and keep up with:

Sign up to receive letters from the WHO. Trump has removed us from them.

Greenpeace, Women’s March and People’s March, NAACP, ACLU, Move On, United We Dream, Planned Parenthood, Avaaz, Sister Song, and many many more. Ben and Jerry’s also shares a whole lot regarding protests and our rights. 

Take Action:


Attend a local action or host a rally in your town or state

Boycott and sign up for newsletter of orgs

Join a mass call

Call or email your state representatives on bills that should not be passed

Read, watch documentaries and research history

Save books, archives and downloads (print them!)

Support your local libraries and attend meetings

Sign petitions: and

Volunteer; feeding people or cleaning up trash anything to help your community.

Stand up to ICE and waste their time. “La Migra”

Show up to your local Democratic Party meetings!

Occupy pipeline areas and National Parks

Educate yourself and research

Book Recommendations:

Women After All: Sex, Evolution and the End to Male Supremacy by Melvin Konner, MD

Mutual Aid by Dean Spade

Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans by Michaeleen Doucleff

Rage Becomes Her by Soraya Chemaly

For the Love of Men by Liz Plank

Period Power: A Manifesto for the Menstrual Movement 

Waste and Want: A History of Social Trash

Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation by Kristin Kobes Du Mez

​Men Who Hate Women: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and how it Affects Us All by Laura Bates

Ohio lifestyle, elopement and small business photographer.
Copyright Taryn Penrose Photography

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